Children Celebration

Children Celebration

11 December 2019 5224 By Pascal Nkandu, SDB


To do what you can, with what you have, and where you are, is the driving principle towards street children project. Although it was not so much easy to fulfill the dream of responding to the needs of the children who are striving in the street, nevertheless, we managed to do something with what we could and with what we had. In the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta “few of us can do great things but all of us can do small things with great love.” Therefore, it was because of love for the young that we strived to make sure that children are been fed every Saturday from the first month of the year to the last month.

As we are about to come to an end of the year (2019), we had a simple but meaningful celebration with great enthusiasm. It was on the morning of December 7th, 2019, that the children turned in good number to celebrate Mary Christmas in anticipation. The party was organized by the Salesian cooperators to mark the closing day before having a short break of 6 weeks. It was a beautiful and awesome day to see a good number of Salesian cooperators, past pupils, and leaders from the oratory coming to the same function to render a help in cooking and in animating. The celebration began with the cleaning of the surrounding in the morning, thereafter; there was breakfast. As they were waiting for the main meal, children were subjected to different part games and ball games. They concluded the celebration with meals, snacks and some drinks in the afternoon.

Generally, there was an atmosphere of enjoyment and the sign of love, such that the party ended on a positive note. This love for the young especially the poor ones is based not on something else but rather on being young. Following the words of St. John Bosco who used to say that, “it is enough to be young   for me to love you,” the immense enthusiasm and zeal in the children to be loved was the main driving factor toward this celebration and above all the project itself. We wish you a happy Christmas and happy new year 2020.